all in fun, of course!

Choose the best-fit of the answers below. If you don't see an answer that fits you very well, just pick the one that applies to you as closely as possible. It is important to answer ALL of the questions. For the 'men only' or 'women only' questions, select the appropriate 'I am not a man/woman' answer.

  1. You are standing in line at a check-out counter at a store. You already have everything that you came to the store to get in your shopping cart. The line is long and looks as though it will take at least 10 minutes to get to you, and several people got behind you right after you got in line. There are no other checkout lines available, and you already picked the shortest one. Do you
    Continue waiting in line for your turn

    get out of line and shop for another 15 minutes, hoping that the lines will become shorter

    Angrily yell at the check-out clerk to hurry up, or drop "loud hints" like "aren't there any more checkstands available," and "why isn't this line moving?"

    get out of line, leave the shopping cart in the isle, and go to another store (or return at a time when there are not likely to be any lines).

  2. You have a child of 3 years and you discover that he's just dumped the kitchen trash can all over the kitchen floor, and is now busily smearing the contents because he likes the colors it makes on the floor. Do you
    scold the child, put him in a 'safe zone' out of your way, pick up the trash, and mop the floor
    scold the child, make him help you pick the trash up, and mop the floor
    notice that the child has made pretty pictures, then help him create new ones and end up spending hours "painting" with trash
    freak out

  3. You see your ideal occupation as
    something where you can advance, have a decent salary with good benefits, and an excellent retirement program.
    something where you can express your creativity or your ability to quickly adapt to often/rapidly changing situations
    whatever you can manage to get hired to do, or 'jack of all trades'

  4. Your car breaks down on the freeway, and won't start again. You have roadside emergency service already paid for. Do you
    get on the cell phone or roadside emergency phone and call a towtruck
    pop open the hood and attempt to fix the problem yourself
    light the car on fire and/or call it various profane names for an extended period of time, then abandon the vehicle.

  5. I would rate my musical and/or acting ability as
    I don't play any musical instruments, or do any kind of acting, but I played an instrument and/or was in a school play when I was a child. I am/was able to play the instrument only by reading a score, and/or my acting ability got me a role as one of the background characters.
    I regularly play an instrument or sing during my spare time, and/or seek out opportunities in amateur theater or comedy. I am fairly proficient at music and/or acting, and can even improvise somewhat.
    My day job gets in the way of my music/acting, or "come to my concert/show/movie and/or buy my album/video"

  6. I would rate my artistic ability as
    I can draw simple things, but it doesn't interest me much
    I can (or often) sketch my ideas to help me visualize them, but I'm not very good at it when I do.
    I am a moderately skilled draftsman and/or CAD/CAM operator, and/or I draw/paint/sculpt/etc. for enjoyment.
    My day job gets in the way of my art, or "come to my showing and buy my artwork"

  7. I would rate my writing ability as
    I write letters occasionally, including e-mail, or type letters for other people.
    I sometimes write songs and/or poetry, and/or took 'Creative Writing' when I was in school because I wanted to.
    I occasionally need to write documentation or form letters for my work.
    Writing is my passion, my life... but my day job keeps me occupied all too often. Or... "Come to the Poet's Corner Coffee House, I'm doing a reading this evening, and/or I'll autograph my latest book for you."

  8. MEN ONLY - when I was in High School, I was considered ('best fit' choice)
    I am a woman, so this does not apply to me
    A 'Jock' - I maintained at least a C or B average, was relatively popular, and was VERY good at Varsity or Junior Varsity or Intramural sports.
    A 'Geek' - I maintained an A average (especially in the classes I liked), did ok in intramural sports, took only college prep courses whenever possible, and spent my time after school engaging in intellectually stimulating activities.
    A 'Freak' - I did drugs, played music or did theater projects with my buddies or did my artwork/writing until late into the evening whenever I could, didn't care about my grades as long as I passed, and took easy courses "just to get through" (or dropped out).
    A 'Wimp' - I was bad at sports, got picked on all of the time, did poorly in school except for the things I liked doing, and didn't go to any dances or Proms. If I joined any clubs, they were acedemic.

  9. WOMEN ONLY - when I was in High School, I was considered ('best fit' choice)
    I am a man, so this does not apply to me
    A 'Betty' - I maintained at least a C or B average, went to most of the dances, and was a member of several social clubs and/or the Prom committee. I hung out with 'Jocks' and other 'Betty's and/or participated in intramural or Junior Varsity or Varsity women's sports, but strictly kept to 'approved' sports like Tennis or Volleyball.
    A 'Brain' - I maintained an A average (especially in the classes I liked), attended the Junior and/or Senior Prom, and spent my time after school engaging in intellectually stimulating activities.
    A 'Freak' - I did drugs, hung out with musicians and artists and actors and poets (or was a musician or artist or poet or actor myself), and if I engaged in sports I was either VERY VERY GOOD or VERY VERY BAD at it, and typically chose the kinds of sports that women don't often do if I did them at all.
    A 'Tomboy' - I participated in intramural or Varsity/Junior Varsity sports, and I didn't care what people thought of me, and chose the sports that I wanted to do. I typically wore loose fitting clothing because it was comfortable. Proms and dances weren't that important to me. Neither was my GPA, as long as I passed.

  10. MEN ONLY - If I were to go in the military, I'd choose
    I am a woman, so this does not apply to me
    Army or National Guard
    Navy or Air Force
    Even if I were drafted, I'd dodge the draft instead of going into the military.
    Marine Corps

  11. WOMEN ONLY - If I were to marry a man in the military, I'd prefer
    I am a man, so this does not apply to me
    Army soldier
    Navy sailor or Air Force airman
    I'd rather join the military myself than be a military wife
    Any man who joins the military is a babykiller and should've dodged the draft instead

  12. I think this test was
    what business is it of YOURS?

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